Our Impact

We work to protect Shenandoah National Park’s 200,000+ acres of wild lands, wildlife, and historic treasures from invasive species and the effects of climate change. We strive to ensure equitable access to Shenandoah, and we fund programs to prepare and inspire the next generation of park stewards.

Wild Shenandoah

We help to protect Shenandoah National Park’s 200,000 acres of wild lands, and the wildlife that calls Shenandoah home.

Stories of Shenandoah

Through our national parks, our work preserves the stories of who we are as a nation. Your dollars fund critical improvements, research, and projects that help better connect visitors to the park.

Stewards of Shenandoah

We ensure access for all and fund programs to inspire and educate the next generation of conservationists.

Experience Shenandoah

Shenandoah National Park is a destination for people all over the world. We work to improve their experience in campgrounds, on trails, and from mile 1 to 105 of Skyline Drive.

Support Shenandoah

It takes money to protect our national parks and magnificent places across the country. Yet congressional funding for national parks has declined dramatically—by 20%–over the last decade. Sequestration shaved another 5% from national park base operating funds. The Trust raises funds to invest in high-priority initiatives that will produce the greatest benefits for the national park. Our four pillars of funding include:

Wild Shenandoah
Stories of Shenandoah
Stewards of Shenandoah
Experience Shenandoah

Without financial support from the Trust, all of these areas would remain under-funded.

Help us help our park with a donation today.

Special Campaigns

Along with yearly projects, we support ongoing campaigns in and around Shenandoah National Park.

Access to the Outdoors Fund

Help us work towards equitable access to Shenandoah National Park by donating to the Access to the Outdoors Fund. The McCandless Foundation provided a grant to kickstart this fund to create opportunities for everyone to experience our park.

Support Shenandoah

Preserving national parks is made possible by people like you.
Consider supporting Shenandoah today.

Help us keep bears wild!

Keeping bears wild starts with keeping them away from human food sources. The most effective way to do that is through bear-proof storage lockers, or “bear boxes.” Right now, only 63% of the park’s campsites have a bear box at the site, leaving nearly 140 campsites without safe food storage. The Trust has committed to making that 100% by funding the purchase and installation of these boxes at every single campsite in Shenandoah National Park. 

A black bear peeks around a tree.   

Each box comes with a $2,000 price tag, and the Trust has set a goal of raising $280,000 to purchase and install the remaining 138 boxes, ensuring that visitors stay safe, and bears stay wild.