#SNP52 Hiking Challenge

The SNP52 is an epic journey through Shenandoah National Park. 52 trail segments, formatted in 23 loops, designed by a young family to be kid- and dog-friendly and help other families get outside and discover Shenandoah.

All the resources you need for this challenge are free and available for download online via Google Maps, AllTrails, and GAIA GPS.

Whether you’re looking for a challenge, new trails to explore, or motivation for your fitness journey, the SNP52 can help you out. Plus, we’ve set up a peer-to-peer fundraising platform so you can turn your hiking challenge into a give-back to support the very trails you’re experiencing!

Find tips, tricks, and video guides to each of the trails in the #SNP52 Hiking Challenge on Pixels and Pointer’s website.

52 trail segments

23 hiking loops

150 miles

Taking on the Challenge? Maximize it!
  1. Record your hike
  2. Share it on social media
  3. Turn it into a fundraiser for Shenandoah

Record your hike on whichever app/platform you like best! AllTrails and GAIA GPS have good functionality to keep track of your adventures.

Share your hike on the social media platform of your choice with the hashtag #SNP52 – whether it’s a photo dump, a reel recap, a trail review, or just the emoji of a hiking boot, join the online community of hikers who are sharing their experiences to make this challenge even more accessible. Tag @snptrust to be featured on our channels!

Fundraise through your hikes by setting up a peer-to-peer donation page! Much like a Facebook birthday fundraiser, peer-to-peer fundraising is essentially when supporters ask for donations from their friends and family to raise money on an organization’s behalf. Learn how to start a fundraiser below!

Setting up your peer-to-peer fundraiser:

Step 1: Go to https://snptrust.givecloud.co/fundraisers and click on “+ Page Maker”

Step 2: Fill out the form with your email, name, Fundraiser Name and campaign. Select a photo to use from our library, or upload your own!
Add a link to any video content you have of your hiking challenge and write up a narrative about your adventure and your “why” for taking on this hiking challenge.

Step 3: Click “Create Page”

Step 4: Get out on the trails and start fundraising! Send folks an email and use the social media share icons to let your friends, family, and/or followers know how they can support Shenandoah through your hiking challenge. We made an email template you can personalize to help you out!
We recommend updating your fundraising page as you tackle the trails so your donors can cheer you on as you go!

Step 5: Follow up with your supporters when your fundraiser comes to a close. Thank them for their support and share the positive impact they made on Shenandoah National Park. Feel free to copy anything from our website and encourage them to sign up for our e-newsletters so they can keep up with how their donation makes a difference in Shenandoah.

The Origin Story

The #SNP52 Hiking Challenge exists because of a baby and a German Shorthair Pointer.

Read how one family’s search for an accessible, achievable way to explore their favorite park turned into a multi-year videography project, crash course in Virginia history, and exercise in gratitude in our 2024 Spring Newsletter.